Clarifying the Truth in any Situation

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One day after I sent forth righteous thoughts [using upright thoughts to purify oneself and the surrounding environment] at around 4:00 PM, I received a phone call from one of my customers. She needed me to do two hours of house cleaning. I thought that every one of my customers is someone who deserves to know the truth about Falun Gong.

When I arrived at her home, she asked me: "How come your body seems to glow?" I smiled to myself. She kept asking: "How old are you, young lady?" I smiled and told her that I am forty-six years old. She looked at me in shock and asked me: "How old do you think I am?" I shook my head. She told me that she was only six years older than me but pointed out that she looked much older. I smiled and said calmly: "This is a result of my practising Falun Gong. I have practised for five years. Before practising, I had nephritis since I was twenty years old. When I was thirty-eight years old, I had diabetes, a brain blood vessel disease, and high blood pressure with low blood glucose. In 1998, I developed a urinal infection. My legs were swollen for years and I was hospitalised for several months and could not move around. Large amounts of money were spent on medical treatment so that I could recover. After I began to practise Falun Dafa, I became so healthy. I study the teachings of Falun Dafa, practise the exercises and I look within when a conflict occurs. My illnesses have naturally been cured." She asked me many questions afterwards and I answered them one by one.

She said excitedly: "You insist on practising even though it has been banned. Good things can never be changed! I also want to practise if you are willing to teach me."

"I will give you a book tomorrow. After you finish this book, I will teach you the exercises. Let me get started with my work. Time passes by so fast." I suddenly realised the purpose of this visit.

She said: "No. I will pay you 100 Yuan [the average monthly income for an urban worker is about 500 Yuan] for three hours. You have to come tomorrow to teach me."

"Thank you, sister but I cannot take the money. Our Teacher said that Falun Gong practitioners must voluntarily teach the exercises and are not allowed to accept a fee. I will definitely teach you the exercises for free. Can you please assign me some work now."

"There is no need for you to work now. You just said that when one suffers it is to eliminate one’s karma [A black substance produced by committing bad deeds]. I will do it by myself."

On my way home I felt that my body was very light.

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