Falun Gong practitioners from Norway gathered in the country's capital during a music festival in Oslo on Saturday June 2nd, 2007. They informed people about the Chinese Communist regime's organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners, whose bodies are later cremated to destroy the evidence of the crime.
Before the practitioners had even finished setting up their table on the street outside the Norwegian parliament, people came and asked to sign the petition. They wanted to show their support for Falun Gong as well as condemn the Chinese Communist regimes crimes. A few hours later, many people had singed the petition to stop the organ harvesting in China.
A man who received a flyer stopped and read the information carefully on the spot. Afterwards he told the practitioner that he thought the crimes by the Communist regime were terrible. He said that his reactions were two fold: on the one hand he got furious and on the other hand he felt dumbfounded and paralysed. According to him, if he had the opportunity, he would have "boycotted the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing in protest5, without any need to think it over."
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In March 2006, the first witness stood up and exposed the Chinese regime's organ harvesting from living Falun Gong-practitioners. Thousands of innocent people are slaughtered on demand in China's secret concentration camps. Their organs are harvested in secret places under military protection and the victims are quickly cremated to cover the crimes.
The trade of organs from executed prisoners is a well organised military business. This is how it is kept top secret. Information about this subject is seen as top "state secrets.” The organ harvesting is organised by the Chinese Communist Party's regime which denies all claims.
The organs are marketed on the internet and partly sold to unknowing foreigners for transplantation in China and other countries. The price list on the web: Heart and lung from about 150.000 USD, liver from 100.000 USD and kidney from 70.000 USD.
The information about the organ harvesting has later been confirmed by others. A few months later the two independent Canadians, David Kilgour, former secretary of state for Asian and Pacific, and David Matas, a renowned human rights lawyer, published their report where they conclude that these allegations are true. They described the organ harvesting as, "a form of evil we have not yet to see on this planet," and just as unbelievable as the Holocaust.
Also in March 2007, UN's Special Rapporteur on Torture, Mr. Manfred Nowak, stated that since 2001 "Organ harvesting has been inflicted on a large number of unwilling Falun Gong practitioners at a wide variety of locations for the purpose of making available organs for transplant operations."
Originally in Norwegian at http://no.clearharmony.net/articles/200706/1680.html
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