For part one, please see
Between the 6th and the 13th of August, the European Atheletics Championship took place in Gothenburg. 200,000 people were expected to visit the city. These events gave Swedish practitioners an opportunity to reach many people and inform them about the persecution against Falun Gong, as well as the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) heinous practice of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners to sell for profit.
Falun Gong practitioners’ activities during the European Athletics Championship in Gothenburg were very effective. Practitioners from Norway, Denmark and Sweden cooperated together well to reach the public with a message about the large scale persecution and organ harvesting that is happening to tens of thousands Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience in China. People came flocking during nine afternoons and have been lining up to sign the petition that will be handed over to the Swedish government. Many were thanking the practitioners for bringing these cruelties to light, they have asked questions and have been reflecting. Below practitioners talk about some people they have met during these days.
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A practitioner who was on Drottningtorget (Queens Square) every day felt a bit disappointed that the media in Sweden still hasn’t reported on the organ harvesting. Eventually she let go of the thought and thought we simply have to do the job ourselves of informing people on the streets. Then a journalist came from a big evening paper. He said that many people have been calling the newspaper. They had been so moved of what they’d seen on Drottningtorget and many cried when they were telling the paper about the organ theft exibition. They asked the newspaper to report about it. The next day there was a very good report in the newspaper, and also an editorial was published.
A lot of young people stopped by, listened to the truth and signed the petition. An eight year old girl was watching the organ theft exibition for a long time. A practitioner told her that it is not for real and that blood and wounds are make-up and colour. She already knew. Her mother said that her daughter saw a similar exibition in Stockholm that Falun Gong practitioners held earlier. She had also at that time stayed a while, talked and asked the practitioners about what is happening in China. The mother said that the daughter always had had a strong feeling of what is right or wrong and doesn’t like it when people are treated badly.
Another girl about five years old stopped by while her mother was standing on the side. A practitioner explained that this is a re-enactment of what is happening in China, except it is for real. Before she left she got a lotus flower from a practitioner and she proudly showed it to her parents. Later the practitioner saw the little girl by her side again. The girl stretched out her hand and in it was a gift of a little rubberball. The practitioner was moved by the girl’s good deed and gave her a big hug.
A local politician from a small city stayed a long while listening to a practitioner who told him about the situation in China. He seemed very concerned and sad. He said that it was negative to have sister cities in China as long as the human rights situation is as it is. He admired the practitioners for the hard work they did informing people and reaching out.
Many people passing bygave their support and positive comments. A security guard did the Heshi gesture to the practitoners.
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