Six practitioners of Falun Gong, a Chinese meditation movement, have submitted a complaint in our country against the former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin. It is the first complaint on the basis of the adapted law on genocide, which was weakened before the parliamentary holiday and is applicable since this month. The submitters of the complaint say that practitioners of Falun Gong are systematically persecuted and tortured under orders from Jiang Zemin since 1999.
Commentator: The new law on genocide has only just attained force of law and this is the first complaint. It was submitted this morning in Brussels by six practitioners of Falun Gong. Meanwhile, many others showed up in front of the court house to demonstrate how they meditate in Falun Gong.
Practitioner: It is based on three principles: ‘Truth, Compassion, Forbearance’. It’s a way to become a better person, a way of life actually. What we are doing are exercises, like you can see here, including meditation exercises to purify the body.
Commentator: It is said that the Chinese government systematically persecutes, tortures and even kills Falun Gong practitioners. All of this since 1999 on the order of the then leader Jiang Zemin. It is against him and two other leaders that the complaint is submitted on the basis of the new stricter law on genocide. As the law requires the complaint is submitted by Belgian victims. A Chinese lady who lives here but is not allowed entrance to China anymore and a Belgian who went to protest in Beijing last year.
Practitioner: At that moment they arrested me and locked me up for one night. Subsequently they expelled me from China.
Commentator: Is that sufficient ground to press charges based on violation of the law on genocide?
Practitioner: The facts in my case are certainly not the worst, but the facts that were committed against me are a part of the worldwide campaign of genocide and persecution that Jiang Zemin initiated against Falun Gong.
Practitioner: China has a communist ideology. They are afraid of anything that could touch people’s heart and mind and gain so much popularity.
Commentator: China hasn’t recognized the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Another reason why the Falun Gong practitioners hope that the federal prosecutor will admit their claim based on the new law on genocide.
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