As a result of the Chinese government’s influence and pressure, Hong Kong residents’ human rights are under threat. The Hong Kong administration, under pressure from Beijing, drew up the new Article 23 of the Basic Law. In fact, this legislation signifies that Hong Kong is welcoming China’s centralised rule and human rights abuses.
To expose and stop the evil actions of Jiang’s regime, and out of concern for the beautiful future of the Hong Kong residents and the people of the world, Swedish and Danish Falun Gong practitioners explained the facts of Falun Gong to the people of Malmo City.
Falun Gong banners, exercises demonstration and a display of posters attracted many local residents and tourists. After hearing the facts, they signed their names in the petition book one after another to oppose the Article 23 legislation. Many people were moved by Dafa practitioners’ kind and peaceful demeanour. People left with peace in their hearts as well as a renewed sense of justice.
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