Before the seminar, Dafa practitioners talked with the seminar organiser and told him about the cruel persecution of Falun Gong in China and Jiang Zemin’s intention to export his terror tactics to Hong Kong by establishing Article 23. The seminar organiser expressed his support for the practitioners’ attempts to bring an end to this persecution and expressed his regards for the practitioners during his opening speech.
After the seminar, the Chief of Amnesty International in Italy and the Chief of the Italy-Tibet League clearly understood the persecution of Dafa in China. Dafa practitioners gave them the condemnation of Article 23 composed by the Hong Kong branch of Amnesty International. They both expressed their concern and said that they would pay attention to this. Many of the other representatives at the seminar also expressed their interest and took material that explained more about the true nature of Falun Gong.
Translated from Chinese at
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