On December 8, Falun Gong practitioners once again went to the Chinese Embassy in Berlin to appeal against the persecution of Falun Gong in China. In particular, they called for the release of Xiong Wei, who was arrested in Beijing last January when she was distributing materials exposing the truth of the persecution of Falun Gong. Members of the Jiang regime imprisoned her for telling the truth to people because they are afraid that the world will hear how they have murdered thousands of innocent people. They did not allow Xiong Wei to have a trial in case the truth was exposed in court. Without legal court proceedings, she was sentenced to one and a half years in prison. December 8 was her birthday.
A practitioner in Berlin whose birthday falls on the same date as Xiong Wei said: I have been acquainted with her for many years. She often tried her best to help me...and is a lovely and warm-hearted friend.
Practitioners in Germany sent their best wishes to Xiong Wei, and hope that more people can help to end this evil persecution sooner.
To learn more about the appeal for Xiong Wei, please see http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200201/2686.html
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