Friday 22nd November saw a peaceful appeal at the Chinese Embassy of the Czech Republic. Practitioners did the Fa Zheng Nian meditation [roughly translated as sending forth righteous thoughts] and clarified the truth to passers by, including local policemen. This was followed by a parade into the centre of Prague that ended in Palackeho Square where a press conference was held. A reporter from Prague’s largest English language newspaper interviewed practitioners about the Jiang’s brutal reign of terror in China. The reporter was shocked when she was told of the torture and violence inflicted on millions of innocent Chinese people. She also interviewed a British student who was arrested in China because he is a Falun Gong practitioner. The reporter was shocked that the Chinese authorities show no regard for the human rights of tourists in China and used violence and interrogation on a group of British citizens. The newspaper photographer took photos of the practitioners demonstrating the Falun Gong exercises. The reporter was very interested in the letter of support that Czech practitioners received from the Czech Republic Head of Congress, wishing them success for their activities during the NATO Summit.
Peaceful appeal in Palackeho Square |
The following day saw practitioners in Krizovnicke Square next to Prague’s famous 700-year-old Charles Bridge. This spot is a major tourist attraction and many people stopped to look at the exercise demonstrations. Practitioners distributed flyers in different languages to the groups of tourists. One practitioner was interviewed by a Bosnian television station and told them about Jiang's crimes against humanity. Many people were very interested in Falun Dafa and concerned about the Jiang regime’s brutal state terrorism and murder of the Chinese people. One Spanish man stated that he would try to “tell the whole world” the truth about Dafa. An American lady was amazed that Jiang could be persecuting people for improving their mind and body and said that the world should take action immediately. Many Chinese people were happy to receive information about Dafa and have the chance to see through the web of lies created by the Jiang regime. One Chinese man spoke to practitioners about why Dafa is persecuted in China yet practised in over 50 countries around the world. He was very surprised to discover that Falun Gong has no official membership or organisation and that practitioners paid to attend events from their own pockets.
Although they did not get to meet with any of the world leaders, practitioners did get the chance to talk to many journalists from different countries. One writer, who speaks seven languages, read through all the different language version of the Dafa flyers, including Chinese. When he had finished, he just stated, “What can I do? Please tell me what I can do to help.” Many people are making great efforts to tell practitioners their views on the persecution and express their heartfelt concern for the persecuted practitioners in China. The practitioners wish them a great future!
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